Hey friends, Molly from Tokodots here, part-time stationery addict and full-time toddler mom, to share the soundtrack of my life these last few months if you need to get out of your music rut but you have little ones with big opinions on music.
Now that summer's here, you might need some appropriately upbeat tunes to get moving on a hot day, so check out my kid-approved playlist below. All the songs have been enthusiastically recommended by my music loving 2-year-old but are fun for mom and dad to listen to as well. I wouldn't recommend letting on that the songs can be individually repeated though, lest you find yourself listening to one of them on an endless loop (please learn from my mistake on this one). This music is best suited to creative endeavors like coloring and hand-lettering, but just as good for house cleaning, dancing before naptime or as a soundtrack to a backyard splash in the pool. Enjoy!