
Blog Crawl 2012

Blog Crawl: Week One
Welcome to the first installment of the Etsy Dallas Blog Crawl! Like any good pub crawl, our Blog Crawl will entertain you and introduce you to a different side of our fearless participants. Frothy beverage encouraged but not required. 

Many of our members author a blog, and these sites are as diverse and rad as the artists themselves. Make sure you add these to your daily readers; we love groupies!

This week, we feature two Etsy Dallas Members:

Meredith of Etsy Shop SheepishKnitCrochet
Meredith’s blog, One Sheepish Girl, began back in August of 2010.  It’s been amazing to watch this blog grow over the years.  She has a great eye for color and composition, and, let’s face it, she’s just the cutest thing ever! 
Three things you’ll love about OSG: tutorials that are coherent and totally do-able; photographs that showcase Meredith’s quirky cool style; and her curatorial feature: The Blush List. 
Ok, maybe four things you’ll love—she is a prolific blogger.  Updates all the time!  More eye candy all the time!!!!

Alicia of Etsy Shop LaAlicia

Alicia’s blog, creative adventures, began in January of 2008.  Throughout this blog, you’ll note Alicia’s commitment to making our world a better place.  Her particular brand of craftivism is evident not only in her works but also in her EcoMonday posts which feature products that are all at once functional, fabulous, and eco-conscious. 
Three things you’ll love about creative adventures: Alicia is a funny lady (her new Word for Wednesday posts never fail to make me giggle); her Meet the Artists posts feature cool folk that you’ll want to know more about; and you know when you read this blog that Alicia is a real, cool person. 

Blog Crawl authored by Jenni of Jenni20 Designs. 

Blog Walk!

What’s going on around town with Etsy Dallas’s fine young talent?  Erin of Haute Hardware delved through our blog list to find out. 

Meredith of One Sheepish Girl crocheted an adorably calorie-free rainbow cake, and then shared with the world how she did it in this awesome tutorial. 

Power couple Pam & Dylan of Dowdy Studio took Oklahoma by storm at the Dustbowl Arts Market: 

Jonathon of Napkin Art was commissioned by the Texas Theatre in Oak Cliff for two of his posters – how rad is that? 

Silla of Silla Soup is up to her usual whimsy and delightfulness with these new butterflies:

Thanks for journeying along through these blogs, and please visit them (and more) by clicking the links on the left-hand side of this page!

Etsy Dallas Artist Playlist: The Ruffly Owl

Hi everyone! This is Meredith from Sheepish Knitting & Crochet! I asked Dacia from The Ruffly Owl what music she listens to when she is creating her beautiful paper goods...

What kind of music do you listen to when you create? Don't listen to music? TV Shows? Movies?
When I am working on a project in Illustrator, I tend not to listen to any music. My mind is totally focused on designing and tweaking so outside noise sometimes overstimulates me. When I'm crafting and punching tags, etc I like to either listen to John Mayer and the likes... it relaxes me. When I sew, I tend to listen to the early jazz station on pandora. Maybe the sewing reminds me of my Grandmother (who was an amazing seamstress) and feelings of nostalgia get stirred up. Something about sewing while Ella Fitzgerald sings makes my old soul happy. :) 

Do certain genres of music affect your creative process?
I don't think any particular genres affect my creative process. But Lady Gaga might distract me from creating because I'd likely jump up and start dancing if she comes on. I can't help it.

How does music fit into your creative routine? 
Sadly, music has gone by the wayside for me these days but when I know I'm going to be working on something for hours I like to go to Pandora and pick a station I'm in the mood for. Hmm... answering these questions is making me realize how much strain I put myself under when working. It's probably counter-productive for my creative side!

Name some of your favorite artists/bands.
Some of my favorite artists and bands are: Lady Gaga, Modest Mouse, Sarah Bareilles, Coldplay... 

Thank you so much Dacia! 

Beat the Heat with Some Etsy Dallas Treats

1. Pick a Bloomer by threeyellowstarfish
2. Whooping Crane Limited Edition Print by beethings
3. Crocheted Award Badge by modestambition
4. Persephone Square Button by bonnybeads
5. Large Blue Narwhal by Crochette
6. Whimsical Zipper Flower Brooch by artTdolls
7. Camera Strap Sleeves by fortheloveofjoy
8. Crochet Bow Brooches by SheepishKnitCrochet

Thank you to Anna from For the Love of Joy for sharing these lovely cool picks to beat this sizzling summer heat.

Trend Spot: Yellow & Gray

You don't have to be in the design world to know what the hot hopping color trend is right now. Here's some amazing eye candy to satisfy your "yellow and gray" cravings from Etsy Dallas.


Thanks to Anna Joy of For the Love of Joy for sharing this trend spotlight.

From Podcasts to Pop Culture - A Playlist from Tefi Designs

Meredith from SheepishKnittingCrochet recently interviewed Stephanie from Tefi Designs in order to give us more insight into her creative process.

What kind of music do you listen to when you create?

At the risk of sounding incredibly un-hip, I usually have the TV on or am listening to my favorite NPR programs like Cartalk, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and Radio Lab.
I have a toddler; my "making stuff" time usually happens right after he's fallen asleep around 8:30 p.m. As a compulsive and proud multi-tasker, I pair up my creative time with my "story watching" time. Current favorites: Weeds, Psych, Law & Order: UK, and The Good Wife.
Do certain genres of music affect your creative process?

Grindcore pretty much makes my creative process wilt and the Blues make me want to poke out my eardrums. Otherwise, I dig all genres at some point or other.

How does music fit into your creative routine?

I usually listen to music when I'm sitting at the computer updating my web site, blogging, and writing press releases. Music basically factors into the part of my creative business that is less "creative" and more "business." (But as a professional writer, I would argue that writing is creative, so there you go.)

Name some of your favorite artists/bands.

Belle and Sebastian, Camera Obscura, The Smiths, Metallica (no, I'm not kidding), the bird and the bee, Grandaddy. Pretty much what I liked 10 years ago I still like today. I'm a loyal music fan - I don't normally stray and pretty much like everything my favorites make.
**NOTE: In the music collage, the bands pictured are Belle and Sebastian, Camera Obscura, The Smiths, and Metallica

Contrary to what I just said, I recently discovered Florence + The Machine and LOVE LOVE LOVE!!