
DIY Valentine's Day Cards for Kids from Kat French Design

We have a really fun DIY Valentine tutorial for you courtesy of Kat French Design. Be sure to check out her smart, hilarious and spot-on stationery in her shop and follow her on Instagram for lots of fun posts. Thank you for letting us share your post with our readers, Kat! ...

As a lover of cards and all things handmade I decided that I wanted my son to make his own Valentine’s Day cards this year.

He is five years old and is at the stage where he loves coloring and cutting with scissors. He needed to be able to make 16 cards to give to his preschool classmates and, at first, I thought that would be way too many cards for a kid that age to make…until I realized that he could make 1 or 2 BIG CARDS and then cut them (which he loves doing) into smaller cards. BINGO.

So here's the process:

 1. Print two of these Valentine’s Day card sheets (8.5″ x 11″). They are double-sided so make sure to print the fronts then run them back through the printer again to print the back sides. I printed on watercolor paper that I trimmed down to size, but it’s not necessary. You can use regular printer paper or card stock.

2. Gather watercolor supplies and let your child go to town. We talked about what colors typically symbolize love (reds, pinks, purples) and I encouraged him to use those…but any bright colors will be just fine. Let dry and flatten with by placing a heavy book on top of them overnight

3. Sign name on card backs.

4. GLITTER! (optional) Apply glue with a cotton swab then sprinkle on glitter. My son got to do the glue and I handled the glitter because that stuff is just a hot mess otherwise. Let dry.

5. Cut cards out along dashed lines.

6. (optional) If your child goes to a school that allows candy or gifts to be attached you can go ahead and use some washi tape to attach a small treat. My son’s class wasn’t allowed to do this (which I am totally thankful for).

This was a fun project that spanned several days for us which was great because it was basically three afternoons worth of crafting. Hallelujah! It also incorporated a ton of fine motor skill builders with painting, cutting and writing.

The only thing I might do differently next time would be to possibly skip the glitter step because I’m pretty sure his teachers and classmates’ parents might hate me after he brings the cards to school and gets glitter on everything. Oops…

Feel free to download the card sheets and make your own. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Shop Spotlight: Curious & Fanciful

Hello, everybody, and welcome to another installation of our Shop Spotlight series! This week we are featuring Curious & Fanciful, a truly unique shop with incredible hand-painted and letterpress designs.

What year did you open your shop? 2008
What is your shop's motto? Live Long and Prosper

One of Katrina's letterpress designs.

What is your favorite item that you sell? For my large shows, especially Jingle Bash, I make 4 or 5 glass shadow boxes to sell. They are very unique gifts. I reproduce my feather and butterfly paintings, cut them out, and shape them to look real. I then mount them in hand-crafted glass boxes to hang on the wall. People can't believe they are paper!

A butterfly in-process

The finished 3-D paper butterfly

Watercolor feathers

What is a fun fact about you? I can write with my toes!

Katrina spends much of her free time painting larger canvas pieces.

How did you get started? I grew up in a small town and never had the opportunity to be involved in art classes because my electives were filled up with band and journalism. When I moved to Denton to study interior design at UNT, I learned that I had quite a bit of catching up to do. I had always loved doodling, but never considered it my calling. Suddenly, I was immersed in fine arts classes studying drawing, design, and computers in art, model making, color theory, and print making. I even did some study abroad in the Czech Republic to learn about Mucha, Art Nouveau, and architecture. I also learned a lot about beer, and got engaged!

When I returned home, I decided to change my major to Art History, and began planning my wedding. I fell head over heels for letterpress wedding invitations and HAD to have them. Better yet, I had to make my own. Better yet, this is what I could do after college! One thing lead to another, and before I knew it, I had convinced my future husband and father to take a road trip to Kansas City to purchase a Chandler & Price letterpress made in 1897.

I graduated with a degree in Interdisciplinary Arts & Design Studies because I truly studied a little bit of everything to try and find my niche. What I found was that I am passionately curious about learning new art mediums. I am curious and fanciful, and my shop is all about different types of art and what you can do with a little bit of practice and courage.

Thanks so much, Katrina! What a wonderful insight into your life as an artist. We're so glad to have you along as a team member!

You can find out more about Curious & Fanciful on her social media sites: Twitter // Instagram // Web // Blog