handmade marketing

{Sponsor Spotlight} Sparkwit Shines in Marketing for Makers


We are excited to have Sparkwit Marketing as an official sponsor for the 2019 Jingle Bash. This passionate team understands that handmade artists and Etsy sellers often don’t have time or experience to market their business successfully. That’s why Sparkwit is dedicated to marketing for makers and supporting the handmade movement.

Your handmade business is not just a side gig, it’s a labor of love and you deserve to shine. Services include a full suite of small business digital marketing, ranging from personalized onsite training to logo design – makers at any level can benefit from what they have to offer.


Sparkwit is made of makers too, so they know how to market for makers. And they can help you navigate the differences between Google SEO and marketplace SEO, build your website, or get your social media going. Getting started is easy – just shoot an email to info@sparkwitmarketing.com, or click on over to sparkwitmarketing.com and schedule a free introduction meeting.
