
Hulu Favorites with SaRatta

SaRatta of Expressions Bracelets is here to share her current Hulu favorites with us this week. I'm loving This is Us too.  It's like therapy getting that cry every week.  I don't know how I will survive until next season!

With a plethora of options available for your viewing pleasure, I am sure your brain feels a bit overwhelmed. My brain is totally overwhelmed and with a slight touch of AADD, I get lost just browsing the many lists and categories on Hulu Plus. But I LOVE HULU! Because I rarely watch a show when it actually airs (primarily because I am not a big fan of commercials and I am a little impatient) Hulu Plus is my favorite streaming service for watching current TV shows!

So to help you find a few good shows to binge on, here are my top five “must see shows” and a few bonus picks as well.

Get you a box of tissues, your blanket, warm fuzzy socks and a quiet space in the house and get ready to be hooked from the first episode.  Family centered shows have always tugged at my heart strings, but this show melts my heart and stirs my soul. It has great actors and a well written plot revolving around people who share a birthday.  I don’t want to spoil the show for anyone so I will leave it at that. Put it on your list for a day when you can binge watch for at least 5 – 6 hours. It will pull you in and not let you go.

We all have things we would like to change in our past, but changing the past can have a major, unwanted impact on our present and the future lives. Timeless, a sci –fi adventure drama, is the story of three individuals traveling time to try and stop a villain from altering the past in an effort to not change American history.  If history is changed it will have a huge impact on their lives and in some cases cause someone important to never be born! I think one of the most fascinating things about this show is the fashion. Seriously! The characters have to wear appropriate clothing for each decade they travel back to and it is simple fascinating to image yourself in that time period!  The season finale is a great cliff hanger and I can’t wait for season 2.

I’m a sucker for a show with good music, tailored suits and/or family drama and this show has it all! From a mother who has served 17 years for the crimes of the father to a father and son involved with the same woman, this show has scandal, dysfunction and love all wrapped up into a well written story by Lee Daniels.  With secrets revealed, revenge attacks planned, and original music almost every episode, you will surely be captivated with this story of the Lyon family!

If you haven’t figured out by now, I love sci – fi and the thought of time travel makes me giddy. Stephen Hawking said “Time travel may be possible, but it is not practical.” Agreed. But a great show or movie about time travel will have me hooked every time. 12 Monkeys is another great time traveling series that I just discovered. It opens on a grim and bleak post-apocalyptic 2043 where a plague has almost annihilated the human race.  Cole (the main character) is sent back in time to try and locate the person who created this virus and destroy it so he can save the human race. This story is based on the 1995 film of the same name and was just renewed for a 3rd season. I am half way through season one and still very intrigued.

When I cut the cord on cable, Nat Geo was the channel I missed most. I’m waiting for them to offer a streaming service so I can subscribe. In the meantime I am able to get my fix with Nat Geo shows offered on Hulu, Netflix or Amazon Prime. The Story of God explores the meaning of life, world religions, God and many of the big questions that humans have as it relates to these subjects. Each episode delves into one main question in an attempt to bring clarity or some better understanding if no real answer is available. Morgan Freeman is the absolute best host as he walks us thought the many questions in our minds and introduces us to the people who may have the answers.


That’s the top five of many other shows that I watch or have watched on Hulu. A few bonus shows on my list are: The Bachelor, Lucifer, Lethal Weapon (the series), Wayward Pines, 11.23.63., Harlot’s, and The Handmaid’s Tale (premieres April 26th). Go grab some coffee and start binging.