Member Spotlight: design roots

Heather Bloem is the graphic designer behind design roots, a print design shop that was born from a background in landscape architecture and a love for graphic design. The artist believes that "inspired design is the product of a creative eye and an expressive imagination." I couldn't agree more! I love all of her designs, but I have my eye on this sweet little bird cage Thank You card, pictured below.

And who can resist this parade of elephants on a set of personalized note cards?

Not only is Heather passionate about graphic design, she has a big heart. As part of a charity raffle benefitting Attitudes & Attire, Heather donated a pack of her notecards for Best of Texas' upcoming What Not to Wear viewing party. Hmmm, perhaps they should send her a sweet little bird cage Thank You card?

Visit her Etsy shop and web site today. Heather offers a discount on large quanity orders and is eager to custom design something for you.

by Stephanie of Tefi Designs