I love stopping by her house because I'm always sure to see something new she's made with the materials she finds around her. "I try to do everything I can with repurposed materials," says the furniture designer by day, home accessories designer by night (and SCAD alumna, to boot).
"I'm an absolute junkie for thrift stores and estate sales, and I often use my lunch breaks to pop in the thrift stores around my work. My favorite finds = old furniture on the side of the road! You can make some pretty sweet stuff for free." Some of the things Laura makes:
- clocks from old saw blades
- lights from old baskets
- tote bags from fabric samples
- furniture re-upholstery with vintage/found fabrics
- napkins from upcycled linens
- decorative trays from old cafeteria trays
This creative lady is serious about repurposing old materials. She tells me, "I'm trying to be very thoughtful about what I toss out, as well... my fabric scraps either go to teamies [like me!] who could use them, or if small enough (like serger scraps) go to stuffing for plush toys for my nieces." Laura confesses she "almost borderline hoarder" which I can totally relate to.
When she isn't scavenging furniture parts or piling up 6 feet of fabric samples in her office, Laura like to read about repurposing in the crafting age. Some of her recommended reading includes Tossed and Found and Remake It Home.
Visit Laura's online shop to see more of her great repurposed designs: www.BUTTERdesignlab.etsy.com. And if you see her at the thrift store, be sure to say Hi!
posted by Stephanie/tefi