
Thank You for Supporting the 2018 Spring Bash

We want to give a huge thank you to everyone for supporting the 10th annual Etsy Dallas Spring Bash. Thank you to the 80 artists who brought such incredible work to share with our more than 2,200 shoppers who came out to Gilley's Dallas on May 5. 



Thank you to Animal Rescue of Texas and to the adorable and very good boy, Nigel. 



Thank you to 7-Eleven for the yummy coffee, snacks and great coupons before doors opened. 



Thank you to Tacos, Bites & Beats, Dough Boy Donuts, The Hot Potato, and The Guava Tree food trucks. So much delicious food, y'all! We are still talking about it. 



And thank you to Julie and Beech-Nut for generously keeping our youngest Bash attendees full and keeping them (and their grownups) happy. 



Thank you to Craft Guild of Dallas for the fun make-and-take crafts. 

And a huge thanks to our photographer Cigi, of Mirrorless Mind Studio, for documenting it all. You can browse all the photos on flickr.

Of course, we couldn’t do it without our Bash volunteers. Thank you to Jan Allison, Rachel Timmons, Caitlin Miller, Amber Jones, Jenn Wells, Carisha Davis, Jenny Chang, Amberly Sisneros, Astrid Mendez, Ellie Pope, Sidney Kintzing and Marta Kihn. 

If you missed the Spring Bash, we hope to see you at the Jingle Bash in the fall. Stay tuned. We will announce the date soon. You can keep up with us and all our upcoming events on our social media and by signing up for our newsletter

And again, if we haven't said it enough already, from all of us at Etsy Dallas: Thank you!

Meet the 2018 Etsy Dallas team

Etsy Dallas is a local craft collective run by a juried group of crafters, artists and designers in Dallas who sell their wares on Etsy. (No, we aren't the same as Etsy. We have the blessing of Etsy as the official team for the Dallas metroplex.) We are an all-volunteer group who are serious about our handmade businesses and the success of this team and its endeavors.

Etsy Dallas began in 2007 and was the first city team in Texas. Since the founding, our members have been invested in the Dallas community, working with Etsy Dallas to benefit different aspects of the creative community and culture that makes this a great city. The team is run by a group of volunteers known as the Leadership Team.

Sabrina and Jenny, Co-Presidents of Etsy Dallas, run The Pig and the Peacock

Sabrina and Jenny, Co-Presidents of Etsy Dallas, run The Pig and the Peacock

SaRatta, Vice President of Etsy Dallas, runs Expressions Bracelets

SaRatta, Vice President of Etsy Dallas, runs Expressions Bracelets

Molly, Secretary for Etsy Dallas, runs Tokodots

Molly, Secretary for Etsy Dallas, runs Tokodots

Alexis, Community Director for Etsy Dallas, runs Whipped Up Wonderful

Alexis, Community Director for Etsy Dallas, runs Whipped Up Wonderful

Rori, Social Media Director for Etsy Dallas, runs MadeByRori

Rori, Social Media Director for Etsy Dallas, runs MadeByRori

Lesia, Graphics Queen of Etsy Dallas, runs SurlyBunny

Lesia, Graphics Queen of Etsy Dallas, runs SurlyBunny

The mission of Etsy Dallas is to promote the handmade movement in the Greater Dallas area and beyond. You can browse all our member artists for some of the best handmade wares around. 

We hope to see y'all at our events this year. We had a great start to the year with our Love Letters Challenge. And there is much more to come! You can sign up for our newsletter to be sure you don't miss anything. 

Join us for Love Letters for Meals on Wheels + how to host your own Love Letters party

We are so excited to see y’all at our Love Letters Challenge event. Every year we team up with Meals on Wheels in Dallas to make Valentine’s Day cards for homebound seniors. This year, we have created a public event so everyone can join us to spread the love around.

Join us at noon on January 27 at Café Izmir in Plano. Food and drink will be available for purchase. Crafts are supplied. Please keep in mind that although this is a family-friendly event, there are a limited number of volunteers to help out so your kids will need your help.

If you can’t attend our event, here are some quick tips to get your own Love Letter Challenge going:

1. Set the date. You’ll want to get your tribe together before Valentine’s Day so the cards make it to Meals on Wheels (or your chosen destination such as a retirement home, hospital, etc.) on time.

2. Get some supplies together.

The fun thing about Valentine’s Day cards is the sky is the limit with creativity and you don’t have to be shy about your abilities. They can be simple and sweet and heartfelt or fancy and flowery!

Ingredients for a nice card:
Assorted construction paper or scrapbooking paper

Paper doilies
Washi tape

3. Grab some wine and get your friends together. Make it fun! Maybe host a kids party or a mom meet-up. Or host a craft night with your friends. Still need some creative inspiration? Check out this DIY Valentine’s Day card tutorial from The Pig and the Peacock.

4. Spread the love around! Once the cards are finished, deliver them to your chosen destination or mail them to your local Meals on Wheels.

Dallas’ local Meals on Wheels:
VNA Haggerty Center
1440 W. Mockingbird Lane
Dallas, Texas  75247

Help out at the Jingle Bash!

Want to spend a Saturday with some of the most creative and fun people in Dallas? Want to help add that extra touch of magic that makes the Jingle Bash the best Shop+Party+Art+Craft show around? We would love to meet you!

Etsy Dallas is on the search for volunteers for the highly anticipated Jingle Bash. Come hang out with some awesome and fun people at Gilley's. The Bash happens there from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, November 15. We will need volunteers for the following shifts: 
  • 9 a.m. to Noon
  • Noon to 3 p.m.
  • 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Wondering what Jingle Bash volunteers do?

Well, they help out in lots of fun ways:
*You know those pretty decorations at the show? Volunteers help the Deco Squad put everything in its place just so. 
*And what about those coveted Bash Bags that people stand in line for hours to get? Volunteers help hand out those babies which means they get the first peak at what's inside. 
*Also, volunteers lend a hand at the Photo Booth helping visitors dress silly and pose for the camera with our crafty photo props. 
*Volunteers also relieve vendors when they need to take a break so they don't get even a tad bit grumpy after a long day of selling their crafty wares. 
*And, volunteers help shoppers get their craft on at the Make&Take Table. 

Sign up
 to volunteer for a few hours.
 We would be super-excited to have you on board and make this the very best Etsy Dallas Jingle Bash ever!

Volunteers wanted for a day of handmade awesomeness

Want to spend a Saturday with some of the most creative and fun people in Dallas? We would love to meet you!

Etsy Dallas is on the search for volunteers for the highly anticipated Spring Bash. Come hang out with some awesome and fun people. The Bash happens 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 26 at the Shops at Park Lane. We are looking for volunteers for the following shifts: 
  • 9 a.m. to Noon
  • Noon to 3 p.m.
  • 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Sign up to volunteer for a few hours. We would be super-excited to have you on board and make this the very best Etsy Dallas Spring Bash ever.

Let's ring in the Jingle Bash together

Want to spend a Saturday with some of the most creative and fun people in Dallas? We would love to meet you!

Etsy Dallas is on the search for volunteers for the highly anticipated Jingle Bash. Come hang out with some awesome and fun people. The Bash happens 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, November 23 at the Shops at Park Lane. We need volunteers for the following shifts:
  • 9 a.m. to Noon
  • Noon to 3 p.m.
  • 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Sign up
to volunteer for a few hours. We would be super-excited to have you on board and make this the very best Etsy Dallas Jingle Bash ever!

Calling all volunteers!

Attention awesome people (yeah, we’re talking to you!):

Etsy Dallas is on the search for volunteers for this year's bigger and better Spring Bash. This is a great opportunity to share in the fun and get a super-sneaky look at the behind-the-scenes operations of a Bash.

Come hang out with some crazy, crafty people. The Bash happens 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, April 27 at the Shops at Park Lane. We need volunteers for the following shifts:
  • 9 a.m. to Noon
  • Noon to 3 p.m.
  • 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Sign up HERE to volunteer. Please let us know your preferred shift(s). If you have a preferred job preference, please indicate that as well.

Please also provide your T-shirt size when you respond. This is one of the many perks of being a Spring Bash volunteer. (Not to mention various and sundry goodies and everlasting Etsy Dallas love...) 

We would be super-excited to have you on board and make this the very best Etsy Dallas Spring Bash ever!

Etsy Dallas Needs You!

What are you doing on Saturday, May 5th? Twice a year Etsy Dallas puts on the most amazing Shop+Party+Art+Craft show around, and we couldn't do without our awesome crew of volunteers. Would you like to rub elbows with the craftiest folks in town and help bring that extra special touch to the Spring Bash?
Volunteers help hand out the coveted Bash Bags
You may be wondering what exactly do Etsy Dallas volunteers do. Well, they help out in lots of fun ways:
*You know those pretty decorations at the show? Volunteers help the Deco Squad put everything in its place just so. 
*And what about those coveted Bash Bags that people stand in line for hours to get? Volunteers help hand out those babies which means they get the first peak at what's inside. 
*Also, volunteers lend a hand at the Photo Booth helping visitors dress silly and pose for the camera with our crafty photo props. Have you seen the Knit Bike yet? You can see it in person, and strike a pose with it at the Spring Bash! 
*Volunteers also relieve vendors when they need to take a break so they don't get even a tad bit grumpy after a long day of selling their crafty wares. 
*And, volunteers help shoppers get their craft on at the Make&Take Table. This year's Spring Bash Make&Take Table will be sponsored by the Dallas Yarn Bombers-so don't want to miss that!

Volunteers help shoppers craft it up at the Make&Take Table

If this sounds like the job for you, sign up here to help out with the 4th Annual Spring Bash.