Sponsor Spotlight: The Baking Cups

We are so pleased to announce that The Baking Cups will be one of our sponsors our first-ever charity event, Little Chairs for a Big Cause benefiting Dallas Children's Advocacy Center. The Baking Cups makes gourmet-style cupcakes with a from-scratch taste that can be enjoyed by everyone! They offer classic flavors such as Red Velvet and Vanilla and whimsical flavors too, such as, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Lavender, Sweet Potato Pie, and many more yummy, yummy flavors. Be sure to visit their website to check out their delicious selection of fresh baked cupcakes.

We hope you will join us Thursday, October 13th from 6:30-9:30 pm in The Blue Room at South Side on Lamar  as we work to blend creativity and charity. Please visit our facebook page for this event to learn more info and invite your friends!

Weekend Guide October 7 + 8 + 9

Pegasus Plaza Outdoor Market 

Date: Friday, October 7th
Time: 11am-3pm
Location: Pegasus Plaza, at the corner of Main St. and Akard, Dallas
More Info: http://www.deepellummarket.com/pegasus-plaza-outdoor-market.htm
Participating Etsy Dallas Members: Dowdy Studio 

White Rock Local Market 

Date: Saturday, October 8th 
Time: 8am-1pm 
Location: 702 N. Buckner, Dallas
More Info: http://www.whiterocklocalmarket.com/index.html 
Participating Etsy Dallas Members: La AliciaModest Ambition, maggie may i 

Yoga D.A.Y - North Dallas Yoga Artisan Expo 

Date: Saturday, October 8th 
Time: 7:30am - 9pm 
Location: Krama Yoga Center, 2760 E. Trinity Mills Rd. #120, Carrollton 
More Info: http://www.kramayogacenter.com/uploads/3/5/9/0/3590829/ndallasyogaexp... 
Participating Etsy Dallas Member: The Pig and the Peacock 

Dowdy Studio Wagon @ Bolsa Cafe 

Date: Saturday, October 8th and Sunday, October 9th
Time: 11am - 9pm 
(Sat), 11am-3pm (Sun) 
Location:  Bolsa Cafe's Parking Lot, 614 West Davis Dr., Dallas
More Info: http://dowdystudio.blogspot.com/2011/03/wheres-that-wagon.html
Participating Etsy Dallas Member: Dowdy Studio 

Weekend Guide: September 24 + 25

Date: Saturday, September 24th 
Time: 9am-4pm 
Location: South Side on Lamar, 1409 S. Lamar, Dallas, TX 
Participating Etsy Dallas Members: Dowdy StudioModest AmbitionThe Paper Nest Co.

Date: Saturday, September 24th
Time: 9am - 4pm
Location: Trietsch Memorial Methodist Church, Flower Mound
More Info: http://www.tmumc.org/ministries_womens_fallonthemound.htm
Participating Etsy Dallas Members: K8made, maggie may i 

Tacos and Tees + much more! See you there, friends! 

Date: Sunday, September 25th 
Time: 7am-3pm
Location: 1146 Peavy Rd, Dallas
More Info: http://dowdystudio.blogspot.com/2011/03/wheres-that-wagon.html

Participating Etsy Dallas Member: Dowdy Studio Wagon 

Keeping Cozy in Dallas

Tree by Modest Ambition

Here’s the surprising thing about yarn bombing a tree: it’s really rough on your hands. As I carefully wrapped the trunk and branches with layers of crocheted and knitted yarn, my fingers and hands were scraped and scratched. I watch tiny ants scurry about as I pulled my oversized needle and thread through the yarn and bound up the branches. I worked back and forth to secure the tops of the tree scarves to withstand drooping from the weight of water from rain and wind.

Yarn bombing has been going strong in Dallas this last year, but this is the biggest project to date. When you visit the Winspear Opera House grounds, you’ll see that it has been transformed by unexpected bright and colorful handworked yarn. There are cozies on every parking bollard arranged in a rainbow spectrum, trees wrapped in full sweaters, and dangling flowers and peace signs overhead along the walkway.
Colorful bollards
This particular installation was requested by the opera house to celebrate the opening of the musical “Hair.” KWitta and the Dallas Yarn Bombers helped coordinate the local knit/crochet community to take on this large-scale project. Over the summer it took shape: taking counts of bollards, measuring trees, and showing off progress to each other.

Using fibers to create public art rather than functional knitwear is still a new idea here, though it’s been done elsewhere. I like to think of it not just as public art, but as social sculpture, working together to build community as we finished off each row. In the end, this whimsical and charming installation is our gift to the public. 

Detail, tree by Modest Ambition

Blog Walk!

What’s going on around town with Etsy Dallas’s fine young talent?  Erin of Haute Hardware delved through our blog list to find out. 

Meredith of One Sheepish Girl crocheted an adorably calorie-free rainbow cake, and then shared with the world how she did it in this awesome tutorial. 

Power couple Pam & Dylan of Dowdy Studio took Oklahoma by storm at the Dustbowl Arts Market: 

Jonathon of Napkin Art was commissioned by the Texas Theatre in Oak Cliff for two of his posters – how rad is that? 

Silla of Silla Soup is up to her usual whimsy and delightfulness with these new butterflies:

Thanks for journeying along through these blogs, and please visit them (and more) by clicking the links on the left-hand side of this page!

Etsy Dallas Artist Playlist: The Ruffly Owl

Hi everyone! This is Meredith from Sheepish Knitting & Crochet! I asked Dacia from The Ruffly Owl what music she listens to when she is creating her beautiful paper goods...

What kind of music do you listen to when you create? Don't listen to music? TV Shows? Movies?
When I am working on a project in Illustrator, I tend not to listen to any music. My mind is totally focused on designing and tweaking so outside noise sometimes overstimulates me. When I'm crafting and punching tags, etc I like to either listen to John Mayer and the likes... it relaxes me. When I sew, I tend to listen to the early jazz station on pandora. Maybe the sewing reminds me of my Grandmother (who was an amazing seamstress) and feelings of nostalgia get stirred up. Something about sewing while Ella Fitzgerald sings makes my old soul happy. :) 

Do certain genres of music affect your creative process?
I don't think any particular genres affect my creative process. But Lady Gaga might distract me from creating because I'd likely jump up and start dancing if she comes on. I can't help it.

How does music fit into your creative routine? 
Sadly, music has gone by the wayside for me these days but when I know I'm going to be working on something for hours I like to go to Pandora and pick a station I'm in the mood for. Hmm... answering these questions is making me realize how much strain I put myself under when working. It's probably counter-productive for my creative side!

Name some of your favorite artists/bands.
Some of my favorite artists and bands are: Lady Gaga, Modest Mouse, Sarah Bareilles, Coldplay... 

Thank you so much Dacia! 

Weekend Guide September 10 + 11

Date: Saturday, September 10, 2011
Time: 8am - 1pm
Location: 702 N. Buckner, Dallas 75218
More Info: http://www.whiterocklocalmarket.com/
Etsy Dallas Members Participating: Dowdy Studio Wagon, La Alicia, Regal Cottage

Date: Sunday, September 11, 2011
Time: 7am-3 pm
Location: 1146 Peavy Road, Dallas
Etsy Dallas Member Participating: Dowdy Studio Wagon

A Craftastic Blast from the Past: Puffy Paint

Ah, puffy paint...we loved it...we hated it... But wait till you see what Shay from Bee Things comes up with when she works her crafty design skills in this blast from the past. Your gonna fall in love all over again as Shay shares a project she did with her kiddos.

Puffy Paint Tutorial with a Punch:
Step 1. Gather supplies $1 paint and $2.99 shirts at Hobby Lobby! Yay! I picked up a bunch of colors since they were so cheap.

Step 2. Design layout We sketched out our ideas first so we could make a template for size and placement.

Step 3. Design template Next we cut out a template using our drawings and made the first outline of our sea critter and robot using the template.

Step 4. Let the paint fly Then we went to town with all our paint and brought the images to life.

Step 5. Dry Let it dry over night and viola!

Step 6. Wear it Our kids loved their new tees!

Twitter Throwdown: A Crafty Challenge

In case you missed it, we had quite an exciting crafty challenge on twitter the other day. It all began like this:
@DowdyStudio accepted that challenge, improvised on supplies, and came up with this twitterific beauty:
Next, @Ferrochie threw his hat...um, no, wallet into the ring. It has a place for everything
and is oh, so eco-chic!

And then, I had to get into the action with a comical party bunting:
As always, you can count on Etsy Dallas to keep crafting fun! Be sure to follow @EtsyDallas so you won't miss one minute of all our crafty happenings. I, personally, can't wait to see what Jenni, our Chief Twitter Officer comes up with next. We would love to have you join us in our next Crafty Challenge!

Weekend Guide August 20 + 21

Babytique Grand Opening Showcase

Date: Saturday, August 20th
Time: 11am - 2pm
Location: Babytique, 5211 Forest Lane, Dallas
Cost: Free

More Treats to Beat the Heat

1. It's a Hoot Apron by miamaria
2. English Garden Pearl Necklace by Tefi
3. Mini Bowls by Karmacrochet
4. Sweetest Matryoshka Dolls by RegalCottage
5. Mini Donut Ornament or Keychain by Midnightsnack
6. Organic Baby Onesie by thepapernestco
7. Peaceful 8x10 Print by themiscellany
8. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Cards by ohlouisedesigns
9. Green Glasses Passport Cover by Jenni20

It seems the heat is here to stay for awhile, so Anna from For the Love of Joy found us some more cool picks to help us beat the heat. Enjoy!

Blog Walk

What have your favorite Etsy Dallas artists been up to lately? Erin from Haute Hardware will take us on a stroll through their blogs to see!

Pam & Dylan over at Dowdy Studio sewed & screened a new batch of delightful pillows, just in time for their sale this past weekend at Good2Go Taco.

image via Dowdy Studio blog

The always eco-fabulous LaAlicia found inspiration in her mailbox, turning a stack of junk mail into this whimsical clutch bag!

image via La Alicia

Also looking out for our environment is Dacia of The Ruffly Owl, with her new cards made of 100% recycled card stock. I’m especially loving this Happy Birthday Mustache card:

image via The Ruffly Owl

Anna of The Joy Cottage is ramping up for a big update to her Etsy shop in August! A sneak peek of some of the amazingness you can expect to find:

image via For the Love of Joy

Oh Louise! and Silla Soup were nowhere to be found, as they’re on vacation, frolicking in the south of France and Disneyland, respectively! While we secretly hate them for this, we also hope they’re having a great time.

Thanks for taking a walk with us, and please visit all of these fantastic blogs (and more) by clicking the links on the left-hand side of this page!

Member Spotlight: The Pig And The Peacock

What a way to start the week off fresh! Today we're talking with Sabrina and Jenny Abney of The Pig and The Peacock, who make incredibly amazing bath and body products. (So fresh and so clean, clean!)

Etsy Dallas: When did you start your shop, and how/why did you get started?

The Pig and the Peacock: We started in March of 2008 making bath salts and gift baskets for our friends. It quickly snowballed into so much more!

ED: What kinds of products do you sell? What materials do you work with?

PP: We sell bath and body products and candles. We make soap, lotion, body polish, body mist, body whip, bath salts and lotion bars. We use shea butter, olive oil, jojoba and other skin loving ingredients. For our candles we use 100% soy wax.

ED: Any new additions to your shop?

PP: We recently listed a new line of soaps, The Chakra Soap Collection! We are very excited about it. Each soap is made in the color representing each chakra, and we have custom blended scents for all of the soaps to help you connect to and balance your chakras.

ED: What inspires you? Where/when do you work on making products for your shop?

PP: Travel and design inspire us most. We often try to tie scents to places we have traveled to, like lavender and oranges from Italy, teak in Thailand, and wine from California. Design also sparks a lot of creativity for us, we will often see something we love and try to figure out how we can translate those design ideas into soap. Not only does this challenge us creatively, but also technically as some ideas can be really hard to translate to soap!

ED: So tell us about yourselves...

PP/Sabrina: I live downtown and love it! My boyfriend and I have a very spoiled lab/rottie mutt and I love him like my child. My day job is Manager of Planning and Allocations for a national retailer. Jenny lives in N Dallas, and she is VP of a commercial fan company. We are sisters (if I hadn't mentioned) and have lived in Dallas most our lives. Jenny was born in Vietnam and lived overseas for some time. Growing up we split our time between Dallas and our family farm in GA, where the inspiration for our shop name came from. We also both ice skate competitively, it's probably the coolest (literally!) hobby we have!

Find some of The Pig And The Peacock's products locally at the
Abundance Boutique at Move Studio and at the Mapleshade Spa, and of course in their etsy shop!

Discover Pinterest

Today, Yony from YLKphotography introduces us to the inspiring world of Pinterest.

Who’s on Pinterest? Etsy Dallas is on Pinterest! “What is Pinterest,” you ask? Oh ho ho, if you haven’t yet experienced this wondrous, awe-inspiring visual onslaught, you don’t know what you’re missing!

As it states in its About section, “Pinterest is a virtual pinboard” and their mission is “to connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting... With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.” Sounds intriguing, right? That’s because it is!

Many of us team members have our own personal Pinterest boards, but we are also adding pins to the Etsy Dallas boards every day. You never know what new items we’re adding to our Etsy shops, so this is a great place to come and browse! You simply click on a board and you can see all of the pins added from that shop in one place. How cool is that?

Talk about eye candy. Artists are visual beings by nature, so browsing through Pinterest and pinning and re-pinning bits of gorgeousness to our organized boards is like the ultimate sugar high.

Keep in mind that some of us are on Pinterest as our actual shop names, so you can do a search to find our personal boards, as well! Wanna know what inspires us? Wanna know what makes us tick? Take a gander at some of our boards and maybe you’ll get a glimpse! Join Pinterest and start following the Etsy Dallas boards today!

Beat the Heat with Some Etsy Dallas Treats

1. Pick a Bloomer by threeyellowstarfish
2. Whooping Crane Limited Edition Print by beethings
3. Crocheted Award Badge by modestambition
4. Persephone Square Button by bonnybeads
5. Large Blue Narwhal by Crochette
6. Whimsical Zipper Flower Brooch by artTdolls
7. Camera Strap Sleeves by fortheloveofjoy
8. Crochet Bow Brooches by SheepishKnitCrochet

Thank you to Anna from For the Love of Joy for sharing these lovely cool picks to beat this sizzling summer heat.